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Valley Introduction

Introduction to Valley Alternative School

Valley Alternative School(VAS) is part of an educational community striving to incorporate a learning program to meet the diverse needs of the students and the community.  The ethnic breakdown of our school population represents the different cultures, languages and economic profiles of the district

VAS is comprised of three schools: Valley Continuation High School (VHS), Puente Hills School (PHS), and the Community Day School (CDS). Each school is now located on the same campus site, 15430 Shadybend Drive, Hacienda Hts. 91745

Our challenge is to develop goals related to achievement of grade level standards while meeting the specific needs of our students.  While we strive to match our curriculum to meet these grade level standards, we must also seek to accommodate all students who come to VAS.  Our task is to prepare students for the 21st century while training/helping them to achieve the personal and academic skills necessary to enter the adult community with confidence and success.

Valley Alternative School is an open entry, open exit school. We are challenged to meet the needs of this fluid, transient population and at the same time nurture a sense of spirit and community.  We offer a flexible schedule that will address a continuously changing student population, provide a systematic approach to meeting district standards and establish meaningful assessment strategies.  Instructional strategies include: direct instruction; authentic assessments as demonstrated through projects, technology based assignments, and oral presentations; and written assignments.

valley student


Valley Continuation High School (VHS)– services students 16 years of age and older who are behind in credits. Our goal is to help students return on track for graduation.

Community Day School (CDS) – services students from grades 7-12 who are expelled from the district, placed by the court, or who are truant. In some cases, students may be involuntarily transferred to CDS due to behavior problems.

Placement at VAS is primarily voluntary, (involuntary transfers are handled through the District’s Student and Family Services).  The Assistant Principals of Student Services (APSS) of the comprehensive schools, working with the students’ counselors and parent/guardian of students, refer students to VAS. The home high school submits a signed referral form that includes parent/guardian signature and school records.  The Assistant Principal at VAS reviews the referral and school records and determines eligibility for placement in VHS. When the proper placement has been established, student and parent/guardian are called and required to attend an Orientation meeting.

Community Day School students are referred through the Office of Student and Family Services. Students are assigned to CDS only upon meeting one or more of the following conditions: involvement in an expulsion process; probation-referred; or from the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).